Ollie Elwell-Deighton.

The Junior Software Developer.

They say the best businesses have a people-centric culture.

We agree.

That’s why we invest our time into the youngsters, as after all, they’re the future.

We never underestimate the beginners mindset. It’s one of the most valuable tools in your box.

So, welcome aboard, Ollie.

TouchByte’s latest recruit, Ollie, bridges the gap between the tech and the people.

He’s our Junior Software Developer.

This means he’s a zen balance of talking tech, and schmoozing at trade shows.

He walks the walk, and talks the talk, too.

Ollie aims to change the world through knowledge and growth.

“As TouchByte grows, post-acquisition with Salto, I want to grow alongside it,” he says.

“I’m acting as a translator at the moment. As we’ve joined Salto, and they’re learning how we operate, I enjoy bridging that gap to ensure we’re all on the same page.”

What’s the long-term plan?

“To pass on my knowledge and experiences to the next juniors. I can see myself in a management role, investing in people to ensure they reach their full potential.

I’d like to be a mentor to someone else, in the same way that Harrison and Jeremy have been mentors to me.”

He’s a multifaceted character.

We can’t wait to watch him grow.

Welcome, Ollie.

The TouchByte Team


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